Interview Answers
Interview Answers
There are a few important considerations Listen to the question: Too many interviewees rush to answer the question before the interviewer has finished asking it. Listen, pause and gather your thoughts, then answer!
Don’t be afraid to seek clarification: If you are unsure what is being asked, then clarify. Most interviewers won’t have a problem doing this
Stick to the topic: Quite simply, answer the question. Don’t go off on a tangent, this can frustrate the interviewer and result in negative scoring
Remain focused on the job spec/employer needs: It’s important to focus on the job at hand, this ensures you are offering up relevant information from your CV
Sell yourself: Ensure to highlight achievements and successes. One of the biggest reasons for failure at job interview is the interviewee underselling themselves
“I had a consultation with you two months ago and had asked you if you ever get feedback. I’d like to say that despite a month passing before I studied your notes/examples, your guidance and info stayed in my mind and made a difference when preparing for my first competency based interview. I signed the contract this week. Thank you for making a positive difference and giving that lift to help me.” Sean

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