Interview Questions
Interview Questions
Interviews are probably the most challenging part of job hunting. Much of this is dictated by the fear of interviews and difficult interview questions. It is impossible to predict what questions will arise and I promote a structured approach to preparation which enables job seekers answers 90% of questions asked during interview. I am regularly asked – what are the common questions that arise? Below I have outlined some of the more common difficult questions.
It is one thing knowing what questions you will face but another thing answering them effectively. You can find the answers to these questions on our interview answers page.
Typical Interview Questions
What are your weaknesses?
Why do you want to work for our company?
Why should we employ you?
What are your career goals?
Tell me why you left (you are you leaving) your current job?
When have you been most motivated at work?
What makes you different from the other applicants for this role?
What are your current salary expectations?

Need help with interview preparation?
Interviewsolutions are leading experts in Ireland. We enhance interview performance and results. If you would like more information about our services – Contact Us or phone 0871223308.

Interview Solutions provides complete support for all styles of interviews – competency based interviews, structured interviews, behavioural interviews, traditional interview, panel interviews and phone interviews. We support job seekers nationwide delivering success at interview and helping you answer all those difficult questions effectively. Access expert interview coaching from a leading Irish Interview Consultant – Paul Mullan.

“Paul listened to my questions and made sure I was prepared for my first and second interviews. Talking to him helped me not to be as nervous as I normally would be.”