What are your strengths?
Answer: I can blend in and go unnoticed. Therefore, I never get singled out at job interviews and never get any job offers
Joking aside, it’s what most job seekers should say. They pick generic answers and underwhelm during interview. They don’t sell themselves and walk away from interviews emptyhanded
And, this includes you, if you do any of the following
You regurgitate the same strengths at every job interview
You use Google to find your strengths online
You morph into Mrs Cliché, using bland statements and generic words churned out by other jobseekers
Try to be a little SMARTER than that….
Build your wings before you jump (preparation is key!!)
Pick 3 or 4 attributes or skills from the job specification. A smart interviewee might have strengths that the interviewer is looking for
Back up your strengths with evidence e.g., I have strong leadership skills, I have 10+ years leading teams of up to 20+ people
It is important to be succinct (or take your verbal diarrhoea tablet). Keep your 3 or 4 strengths short and snappy. NB: All answers throughout the interview should be succinct and impactful
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