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Job Interviews made easy

Job Interviews made easy (Interview Coaching, Dublin)

It’s possible to predict most of the questions you’ll face at traditional job interviews. Below I’ve outlined a cheat sheet to help those of you with limited time to prepare for job interviews.

CV Related Job Interview Questions:

You MUST review your CV before the interview – relevant experience or skills, key achievements, dates of employment, and reason for job changes. Below are some common CV based questions.

Tell me about yourself? (Talk me through your CV?)
Tell me about “x” role?
Give me an overview of your training and qualifications?
Why do you want to leave your current role?
Why did you leave your last job? What have you been doing since you left your last role?

Job Description Related Interview Questions

You MUST familiarise yourself with the job description prior to interview. Review every point on the job description and sift up relevant achievements and experience. This exercise is critical, as it will help you maintain your focus during interview. It will also help minimise the amount of thinking you’ll have to do during interview. Less thinking will mean stronger answers!!

Common Job Interview Questions

These old chestnuts come up over and over again at job interviews. People often label them “difficult interview questions”, but they’re very easy to answer with a little advance preparation.

Why do you want our job? / Why do you want to work for our company?
Why should we pick you?
What do you know about our organisation?
Do you have any questions for us?
Tell me about your strengths/weakness?
Please outline your salary expectations?
Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?

Paul Mullan is a leading interview coach. He offers challenging mock job interviews, honest feedback and practical advice, ensuring you performance great at interviews.

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